Monday, May 2, 2011

"That's Exactly What I Would Have Asked."

Tonight, my school hosted an amazing event: a screening of Winter's Bone, followed by a Q&A session with the director, Debra Granik-- who just happens to be a Brandeis alumna.

For those of you who haven't seen Winter's Bone, it's... intense. Based on a book by Daniel Woodrell, it's a study of life in the Ozarks, shot in a neorealist fashion-- that is to say, many of the actors aren't actors at all, but locals of the region or people with real-life experience in the roles they're portraying.

Films like Winter's Bone don't generally attract me. I have a tremendous amount of respect for gritty drama, but it's just not where my interest lies. But this was an opportunity too special to pass up, and I was blown away by what I saw.

I was even more blown away by Granik.

You can always tell a Brandeis student, current or former, when you see one. We're socially conscious, outspoken, invested in seeing things clearly,* and have a particular kind of enthusiastic, adorable energy we like to call being Brandeis awkward. Granik is that all over-- gangly limbs and nervous smiles and vibrantly alert, even as she speaks softly. Her answers to our questions were always thoughtful, insightful, and extremely... well, consistent. Going into the Q&A, I'd wanted to ask three things-- "Why this story, why film, and why this story on film?"-- but as she started answering other people, I found I didn't have to. She was a politics major at 'deis (I looked this up on Wikipedia beforehand, like all well-researched students), and it just screams out in every word she says.

So when the microphone finally got to me, I condensed: "How did you come to film?" I asked.

Our eyes met, and she beamed at me. "You know, I-- I've asked that of other people, before. That's exactly what I would have asked. It, ah, it's interesting, to feel like I'm coming full-circle."

(I'm still smiling.)

And her answer was exactly what I had predicted it would be. That she'd always been attracted to documentary; that Boston in the early 80s was a political hotbed; that she was extremely lucky to find female role models enacting social change on myriad issues when she was at the right age to really hear them; that there's nothing like going out with a camera in your hand and capturing something powerful.

And it inspired me, because it's nothing like the answer I would have given in her place.

Our eyes met, and it felt everything like a torch being passed and nothing like a torch being passed, because in the two minutes she was answering my question, she saw herself in me and I saw a future in her. And it's brilliant, because no other medium can connect people like that. Yes, you can write fiction or non-fiction, memoir or satire, but you can't... you can't hear music on the printed page. You can't listen how someone's breath changes, see the glint in their eye, watch a sun set. Debra Granik found film because she loves America, she loves people, she loves regional stories and heritage and hard truths. And in a way, that's how I found film, too-- but where she's inspired by documentary, I'm inspired by narrative. And there's room for both of us.

They had a bunch of free posters sitting out on a table by the exit. I grabbed one, and I was halfway out the door before it occurred to me that I could get her autograph. That I could turn around and walk back in, and wait my turn so we could exchange pleasantries and be Brandeis awkward as she hastily scrawled her name.

I kept walking.

When I got back, I hastily scrawled something on that poster myself. Something that would carry all the meaning that an autograph never could. Something that would capture the connection we'd actually shared, even if only for a moment:

"How did you come to film?"


*The Brandeis motto is Truth, even unto its innermost parts. It's hilarious, how accurate that is.

Friday, March 4, 2011


... to Jurassic Park!

Sorry. I just felt like opening up this blog with a corny film-related joke would be appropriate. Now that that's over with, we can get down to business.


You know. Um. Talking about my Feelings about film?

I have no idea what you're on about.

Right. Well, the other day I caught myself spamming my Twitter feed with a multi-message diatribe about Sergei Eisenstein's complete dismissal of German Expressionism and I thought, "Surely, there must be a more appropriate platform for this." So that's what this is gonna be.

Uh... huh. Sorry; who are you, exactly?

I'm Leah Bartels. I'm a double major in English and Film, Television & Interactive Media at Brandeis University, and I just turned 21. I am a lover of genre fiction, a born romantic, and a believer in Method acting; just about any opinion I have about anything can be boiled down to a combination of those three truths.

What sorts of experience do you have?

Only what I've gotten to in class. From the practical side, I've taken courses in Screenwriting and Production, and am halfway though a class on Editing; from the analysis side, I've taken everything from American Independent Film to German Cinema to, currently, Hitchcock's Movies. (Expect me to bring up Hitchcock pretty often, at least for the foreseeable future. He's on my mind.)

I've seen Citizen Kane, but not The Godfather; Rear Window but not Casablanca; The Usual Suspects but not Schindler's List. My journey towards becoming The Ultimate Film Buff is still in its infancy, and in many ways that's kind of the point.

Oh, and I've read Jane Espenson's blog from start to finish at least twice. Which definitely counts for something.

So why should I be reading this?

Well... because I'm relevant. That up-and-coming The Social Network generation that's gonna control this industry in a few years? That's me. I'm it. And I think that that's valuable on both sides of the camera.

People are used to looking at literature with a critical eye, because we're told that we should—we take English classes from a very young age. Film, on the other hand, tends to be consumed without ever being considered, and a big part of that is because we aren't taught filmic language in schools. We pay to see movies with popcorn in hand rather than think about them as rich texts to be unraveled. This blog is intended to be, at its heart, a primer for people who don't know anything about film, given by someone who's still straddling that fence.

They're not always going to be in this dorky dialogue style, right?

No, this is a one-time thing. Promise. But I would love it for this blog to be interactive in a more general sense. If there's something you want me to talk about or explain, a movie you think I should see, a rant you can't wait for me to rant, tell me about it. I can't make an "Ask Leah" button in the sidebar, unfortunately, but you guys can feel free to use the comments as heavily and as often as you want.

One more question. Did you seriously name your blog after a Rent lyric?

Shut up Rent is awesome.